Types of Extinguishers

The P50 fire extinguisher is a relatively new type of fire extinguisher that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a highly effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fire extinguishers and is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for many businesses and organisations.

P50-foam fire extinguisher for fire emergency.

P50 Eco Fire Extinguisher – What is it?

The P50 Eco fire extinguisher is a relatively new type of fire extinguisher that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a highly effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fire extinguishers and is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for many businesses and organisations.


The P50 fire extinguisher is made from a composite material that is lightweight, durable and corrosion resistant. This material is also non-toxic and non-hazardous, making it a safe and environmentally friendly choice. The P50 extinguisher is also rechargeable as well as recyclable, which means it can be refilled and reused multiple times, reducing waste and saving money.


One of the key advantages of the P50 fire extinguisher is that it is much more effective than traditional fire extinguishers. It uses a unique watercourse safe foam technology that quickly extinguishes fires by creating a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen. This makes it highly effective in extinguishing Class A (wood, paper and textile), Class B (flammable liquids) fires and Electrical fires (up to 1,000v) which are the most common types of fires in commercial and industrial settings. Due to the unique make up of the extinguisher and its ability to be used across multiple fire classes, it allows for much simpler staff training and reduces confusion in a fire related event.

Another advantage of the P50 fire extinguisher is that it requires less maintenance than traditional fire extinguishers. The P50 extinguisher has a lifespan of up to ten years and only requires simple maintenance each year which can be undertaken by the onsite competent person. This person (or persons) will have been provided with FREE competency training by an engineer during the initial installation.


Alongside its 10-year warranty, if the P50 unit is used during a fire related incident, and a FRN is obtained from the attending Fire Services, the unit/s used will be replaced for FREE as they have done their job!


The P50 fire extinguisher also has a number of safety features that make it ideal for use in a wide range of settings. For example, it is equipped with a pressure gauge that indicates when it needs to be recharged or replaced. It also has a tamper-proof seal that prevents unauthorised access, ensuring that it is always ready for use when needed.


What are the key takeaway points about P50 Eco Extinguishers?

  • Watercourse Safe Foam
  • Provides coverage for Class A, B and Electrical fires (up to 1,000v)
  • Simple annual maintenance that is performed in-house (after competency training is provided for free by our engineers)
  • Simplifies training for employees and helps to reduce confusion during a fire emergency
  • 10-Year Warranty
  • Replaced for free if used in a fire related incident (with the FRN supplied)
  • Kevlar weave for strength and polyethylene core
  • Recyclable and Refillable
  • Free access to the extinguisher management system.

In summary, the P50 fire extinguisher is a highly effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fire extinguishers. It is lightweight, durable and easy to maintain, making it a popular choice for businesses and organisations. Its unique watercourse safe foam technology and safety features make it ideal for extinguishing Class A, Class B and Electrical fires (up to 1,000v) and its rechargeable design reduces waste and saves money.


Firexo is a revolutionary fire extinguishing technology that uses an eco-friendly and biodegradable liquid to quickly extinguish fires. The Firexo extinguisher is suitable for all types of fires, including Class A, B, C and F fires, making it a versatile and effective solution for any fire safety situation.


One of the key benefits of the Firexo extinguisher is its ease of use. The extinguisher requires no specialist training and can be used by anyone, regardless of their experience or expertise in fire safety. The liquid in the Firexo extinguisher also creates less mess than traditional fire extinguishers, making it easier to clean up after use.


Firexo extinguishers are also more effective than traditional fire extinguishers. The liquid is able to extinguish fires faster than traditional extinguishers, reducing the amount of damage caused by the fire. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses and organisations where time is of the essence in putting out a fire and preventing further damage or loss.


Another advantage of the Firexo extinguisher is its eco-friendliness. The liquid used in the extinguisher is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it safe for the environment and easy to dispose of after use.


Overall, the Firexo extinguisher is an innovative and effective solution for fire safety. Its ease of use, speed of action and eco-friendliness make it a popular choice for businesses and organisations looking to improve their Fire Safety Measures. LS Fire Solutions provides Firexo extinguishers and can provide expert advice on their suitability for specific fire safety needs.

P50-foam fire extinguisher for any fire emergency.
5 fire extinguisher close-up view

Steel Fire Extinguisher Units

Steel fire extinguishers are a popular type of fire extinguisher that are commonly used in commercial and industrial settings. They are typically made from high-quality steel and are designed to withstand the rigours of frequent use and exposure to the elements.


One of the key benefits of steel fire extinguishers is their durability. They are able to withstand high levels of pressure and are less likely to leak or become damaged compared to other types of fire extinguishers. This makes them a popular choice for environments where Fire Safety Equipment is subject to frequent use and abuse.


Another advantage of steel fire extinguishers is their effectiveness. They are able to quickly and effectively extinguish fires, helping to prevent further damage and minimise risk to people and property. Steel fire extinguishers are suitable for use on Class A, B and C fires, making them versatile and useful in a wide range of settings.


In addition, steel fire extinguishers are relatively easy to maintain and service. They can be refilled and recharged multiple times over their lifespan, providing a cost-effective solution for long-term fire safety needs.


Overall, steel fire extinguishers are a popular choice for businesses and organisations looking for a durable, effective, and versatile fire extinguisher solution. LS Fire Solutions Ltd provided steel fire extinguishers, as well as expert advice on their suitability for specific fire safety needs.

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Fire Extinguisher Questions?

What are the benefits of using a P50 fire extinguisher?


How often should P50 fire extinguishers be serviced?


What is the cost of a P50 fire extinguisher?


What is an eco extinguisher?


What are the benefits of using an eco extinguisher?

We are able to offer compartmentation surveys. If you would like any further details on this type of surveying and pricing, please do contact our team.

What is the lifespan of an eco extinguisher?


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